Huby, Pamela Margaret

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HUBY, Pamela Margaret

HUBY, Pamela Margaret. British, b. 1922. Genres: Classics, Philosophy. Career: Assistant Lecturer, 1949-52, Lecturer, 1952-71, Sr. Lecturer, 1971-83, and Reader in Philosophy, 1983-87, University of Liverpool. Assistant Lecturer, Dept. of Classics, University of Reading, 1944-45; Lecturer in Philosophy, St. Anne's Society, Oxford, 1947-49. Publications: Greek Ethics, 1967; Plato and Modern Morality, 1972; Priscian on Theophrastus on Sense-Perception, 1997; Commentary on Theophrastus-Psychology, 1999. CO-AUTHOR: Critical History of Western Philosophy, 1964; Philosophy and Psychical Research, 1976; Stoic and Peripatetic Ethics, 1983; Aristotle on Nature and Living Things, 1986; The Criterion of Truth, 1989; Cicero's Knowledge of the Peripatos, 1989; The Human Embryo, 1990; Logical Foundations, 1991; The Pursuit of Mind, 1991; Aristotle and the Later Tradition, 1991; Theophrastus of Eresus, 1991; The Divine Iamblichus, 1993; Infinity, 1993; Peripatetic Rhetoric after Aristotle, 1994; Historical Foundations of Informal Logic, 1997; Dicaearchus of Messana, 2001; Eudemus of Rhodes, 2002. Address: 33a Barton Rd, Harlington, Beds. LU5 6LG, England. Online address:

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Huby, Pamela Margaret

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