The Hound of the Baskervilles 2000

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The Hound of the Baskervilles ★★½ 2000

Frewer takes on the role of Sherlock Holmes, emphasizing the character's cynical humor as well as his sometimes insufferable intelligence. Welsh ably backs him up as Watson and this version closely follows the Conan Doyle story. Sir Henry Baskerville (London) has inherited an estate with a curse and a devilish hound that terrorizes the moors. Holmes investigates. 90m/C VHS, DVD . CA Matt Frewer, Kenneth Welsh, Jason London, Emma Campbell, Robin Wilcock, Arthur Holden, Leni Parker, Gordon Masten; D: Rodney Gibbons; W: Joe Wiesenfeld; C: Eric Cayla; M: Marc Ouellette. CABLE

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