Hornsby, Alton, Jr.

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HORNSBY, Alton, Jr.

HORNSBY, Alton, Jr. American, b. 1940. Genres: History, Race relations. Career: Tuskegee Institute, AL, instructor, 1962-65; Morehouse College, Atlanta, Dept. of History, professor, 1968-, Fuller E. Calloway Professor of History, and Chairman, 1988. Journal of Negro History, editor, 1976-. Publications: (ed.) In The Cage: Eyewitness Accounts of the Freed Negro in Southern Society, 1877-1929, 1971; The Black Almanac, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977; The Negro in Revolutionary Georgia, 1977; Chronology of African-American History, 1991, 2nd ed., 1997; Milestones in 20th Century African-American History, 1993. Address: Dept. of History, Box 20, Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA 30314, U.S.A. Online address: ahornsby@morehouse.edu