Homberger, Eric

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HOMBERGER, Eric. American, b. 1942. Genres: History, Literary criticism and history, Photography, Urban studies. Career: Reader in American Literature, University of East Anglia, Norwich. Publications: The Art of the Real: Poetry in England and America since 1939, 1977; American Writers and Radical Politics 1900-1939: Equivocal Commitments, 1986; John le Carre, 1986; John Reed, 1990; The Historical Atlas of New York City 1994; Scenes from the Life of a City: Corruption and Conscience in Old New York, 1994; The Penguin Historical Atlas of North America, 1995. EDITOR: (with W. Janeway and S. Schama) The Cambridge Mind: Ninety Years of the "Cambridge Review" 1879-1969, 1970; Ezra Pound: The Critical Heritage; (with H. Klein and J. Flower) The Second World War in Fiction, 1984; (with J. Charmley) The Troubled Face of Biography, 1987; (with J. Biggart) John Reed and the Russian Revolution: Uncollected Articles, Letters and Speeches on Russia, 1917-1920, 1991. Address: School of English & American Studies, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, England. Online address: e.homberger@vea.ac.uk