Holyer, Erna

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HOLYER, Erna. Also writes as Ernie (M.) Holyer. American (born Germany), b. 1925. Genres: Novels, Novellas/Short stories, Children's fiction, Young adult fiction, Animals/Pets, Children's non-fiction, History, Marine sciences/Oceanography, Natural history, Writing/Journalism, Young adult non-fiction, Biography. Career: San Jose Metropolitan Adult Education Program, creative writing teacher, 1968-. Publications: Rescue at Sunrise and Other Stories, 1965; Steve's Night of Silence and Other Stories, 1966; A Cow for Hansel, 1967; At the Forest's Edge, 1969; Song of Courage (biography), 1970; Lone Brown Gull and Other Stories, 1971; Shoes for Daniel, 1974; Sigis's Fire Helmet, 1975; The Southern Sea Otter, 1975; Reservoir Road Adventure, 1982; Wilderness Journey, Golden Journey, California Journey (trilogy), 1997; Self-Help for Writers: Winners Show You How, 200w; Dangerous Secrets: A Young Girl's Travails under the Nazis, 2003. Stories and articles included in anthologies. Address: 1314 Rimrock Dr, San Jose, CA 95120-5611, U.S.A. Online address: HolyerE@aol.com

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