Hieatt, Constance B(artlett)
HIEATT, Constance B(artlett)
HIEATT, Constance B(artlett). American/Canadian, b. 1928. Genres: Children's fiction, Food and Wine, Literary criticism and history, Translations. Career: Member of faculty, City College, 1959-60, and Queensborough Community College, 1960-65, City University of New York; St. John's University, Jamaica, NY, professor of English, 1965-68; University of Western Ontario, London, professor of English, 1968-93, emeritus, 1993-. Publications: The Realism Of Dream Visions: The Poetic Exploitation Of The Dream Experience In Chaucer And His Contemporaries, 1967; (trans.) Beowulf and Other Old English Poems, 1967; Essentials of Old English: Readings with Keyed Grammar, 1970; (ed.) The Miller's Tale of Geoffrey Chaucer, 1970; (trans.) Karlamagnus Saga: the Saga of Charlemagne and His Heroes, I, parts 1-3, II, part 4, 1975, and III, part 5-10, 1980; (co-author) Pleyn Delit: Medieval Cookery for Modern Cooks, 1976, 2nd ed., 1996; An Ordinance of Pottage, 1988. ADAPTER: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, 1967; The Knight of the Lion, 1968; The Knight of the Cart, 1969; The Joy of the Court, 1971; The Sword and the Grail, 1972; The Castle of Ladies, 1973; The Minstrel Knight, 1974. CO-EDITOR: (trans. and adapter) The Canterbury Tales of Geoffrey Chaucer, 1961; (and trans.) The Canterbury Tales of Geoffrey Chaucer, 1964; Edmund Spenser: Selected Poetry, 1970; Curye on Inglysch, 1985; La Novele Cirurgerie, 1990; Beginning Old English, 1994; (and trans.) Guillaume de Machaut's Tale of the Alerion, 1994; Libellus de arte coquinaria: An Early Northern Cookery Book, 2001. Address: 335 Essex Meadows, Essex, CT 06426, U.S.A. Online address: constance.hieatt@yale.edu