Herding, Klaus

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HERDING, Klaus. German, b. 1939. Genres: Art/Art history. Career: National Gallery, Berlin, Germany, assistant to the director, 1968-70; Technische and Free University of Berlin, assistant professor of art history, 1971-74; University of Hamburg, Germany, professor of art history, 1975-92, head of faculty of cultural sciences, 1987-88; University of Frankfurt, Germany, professor of art history, 1993-, head of faculty of cultural sciences, 1994-95. L'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Paris, director of studies and guest professor, 1988-90; scholar at the Getty Center, 1992-93; Siemens Foundation, Munich, research fellow, 1996-93. Publications: Pierre Puget: Das bildnerische Werk, 1970; Propylaen Kunstgeschichte (title means: The History of Art), 1970; (with H.E. Mittig) Kunst und Alltag im NS-System (title means: Art and Everyday Life during the National Socialist Era), 1975; Egalitaet und Autoritaet in Courbets Landschaftsmalerei (title means: Courbet's Landscape Painting), 1975; (with G. Otto) Karikaturen (title means: Caricatures), 1980; La Revolution Francaise et l'Europe (title means: Europe and the French Revolution), 1989; (with R. Reichardt) Die Bildpublizistik der Franzoesischen Revolution (title means: Broadsheets and Graphics of the French Revolution), 1989; Im Zeichen der Aufklarung (title means: Under the Sign of Enlightenment), 1989; Courbet: To Venture Independence, 1991; Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1992; Freud's Leonardo, 1998. EDITOR/CO-EDITOR: (with W. Hofmann) Courbet und Deutschland (title means: Courbet and Germany), 1978; Realismus als Widerspruch (title means: Contradictions in Realism), 1978; Malerei und Theorie (title means: Painting and Theory), 1980; Courbet, Gustave, 1819-1877: Les Voyages Secrets de Monsieur Courbet (title means: The Secret Travels of Gustave Courbet), 1984; (and trans. and author of intro.) Proudhon's Art Theory, 1988; Aufklaerung anstelle von Andacht Kulturwissen-schafteishe Dimensionan bildender Kunst, 1997; Die Kunstgeschichte au Goethe-Universifurt, 2002. Address: c/o Kunstgeschichtliches Institut, Hausener Weg 120, D-60489 Frankfurt, Germany. Online address: herding@kunst.uni-frankfurt.de

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