Hellyer, Paul T.

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HELLYER, Paul T. Canadian, b. 1923. Genres: Economics, Politics/Government. Career: Member of Parliament (Canada), 1949-57, 1958-74: Parliamentary Assistant to Minister of National Defence, 1956-57; Associate Minister, 1957; Minister of National Defence, 1963-67; Minister of Transport, 1967-69; Acting Prime Minister, 1968-69. Syndicated columnist, Toronto Sun, 1974-84. Publications: Agenda: A Plan for Action, 1971; Exit Inflation, 1981; Jobs for All: Capitalism on Trial, 1984; Canada at the Crossroads, 1990; Damn the Torpedoes, 1990; Funny Money: A Common Sense Alternative to Mainline Economics, 1994; Surviving the Global Financial Crisis: The Economics of Hope for Generation X, 1996; Arundel Lodge: A Little Bit of Old Muskoka, 1996; The Evil Empire: Globalization's Darker Side, 1997; Stop: Think, 1999; Goodbye Canada, 2001; One Big Party: To Keep Canada Independent, 2003. Address: 506, 65 Harbour Sq, Toronto, ON, Canada M5J 2L4. Online address: cap-pac@istar.ca