Hellman, Hal

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HELLMAN, Hal. American, b. 1927. Genres: History, Physics, Sciences, Technology, Biography. Career: Freelance writer, 1966-. Technical Information Manager, General Precision Inc., Little Falls, New Jersey, 1956-66. Publications: Navigation-Land, Sea and Sky, 1966; The Art and Science of Color, 1967; Controlled Guidance Systems, 1967; Light and Electricity in the Atmosphere, 1968; The Right Size, 1968; Transportation in the World of the Future, 1968, 1974; High Energy Physics, 1968; Communications in the World of the Future, 1969, 1975; Defense Mechanisms, from Virus to Man, 1969; The City in the World of the Future, 1970; Helicopters and Other VTOLs, 1970; Energy and Inertia, 1970; Biology in the World of the Future, 1971; (co-author) The Kinds of Mankind: An Introduction to Race and Racism, 1971; The Lever and the Pulley, 1971; Feeding the World of the Future, 1972; Population, 1972; Energy in the World of the Future, 1973; (ed.) Epidemiological Aspects of Carcinogenesis, 1973; Technophobia: Getting Out of the Technology Trap, 1976; (co-author) Understanding Physics, 1978; Deadly Bugs and Killer Insects, 1978; Computer Basics, 1983; Industrial Sensors-A Report on Leading Edge Technology, 1985; Intelligent Sensors-The Merging of Electronics and Sensing, 1988; The Story of Gold, 1996; Beyond Your Senses: The New World of Sensors, 1997; Great Feuds in Science; Ten of the Liveliest Disputes Ever, 1998; Great Feuds in Medicine, 2001; Great Feuds in Technology, 2004. Address: 100 High St, Leonia, NJ 07605, U.S.A. Online address: hal.hellman@earthlink.net

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