Healey, Denis (Winston)

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HEALEY, Denis (Winston)

HEALEY, Denis (Winston). (Lord Healey of Reddlesden). British, b. 1917. Genres: Economics, International relations/Current affairs, Politics/Government. Career: Lord Healey of Riddlesden, 1992. Labour M.P. for Leeds East 1955-82 (M.P. for S.E. Leeds, 1952-55; Secretary of State for Defence, 1964-70; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1974-79). Member, Labour Party National Executive Committee Secretary, Labour Party International Dept., 1946-52. Member of Council, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, 1948-60; Member of the Executive, Fabian Society, 1954-61; Member of the Council, Institute of Strategic Studies, London, 1958-61. Publications: The Curtain Falls, 1951; New Fabian Essays, 1952; Neutralism, 1955; Fabian International Essays, 1956; A Neutral Belt in Europe, 1958; NATO and American Security, 1959; The Race Against the H Bomb, 1960; Labour Britain and the World, 1963; Managing the Economy, 1979; Healey's Eye, 1980; Labour and World Society, 1985; Beyond Nuclear Deterrence, 1986; The Time of My Life, 1989; When Shrimps Learn to Whistle, 1990; My Secret Planet, 1992; Denis Healey's Yorkshire Tales, 1995; Healey's World, 2002. Address: House of Lords, London SW1, England.

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Healey, Denis (Winston)

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