Hazlehurst, Cameron

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HAZLEHURST, Cameron. Australian (born United Kingdom), b. 1941. Genres: Criminology/True Crime, History, Politics/Government, Biography. Career: Oxford University, research fellow, Nuffield College, 1968-70, and Queen's College, 1970-72, and lecturer in politics, University College, 1969-72; Jonathan Cape Ltd., London, historical adviser, 1968-72; BBC television British Empire Series, series research consultant, 1969-72; Times Higher Education Supplement, London, contributing ed., 1971-72; Australian National University, Canberra, Institute of Advanced Studies, fellow, 1972-88, sr. fellow, 1988-92; Australian Dept. of Urban and Regional Development, assistant secretary, 1974-75; ABC-TV Mastermind Series, research consultant, 1977-82; Queensland University of Technology, School of Humanities, foundation professor and head, 1992-97; Flaxton Mill House, managing director, 1997-; University of South Australia, Hawke Institute, adjunct professor of government, 2002-. Publications: Politicians at War, July 1914 to May 1915, 1971; (with C. Woodland) A Guide to the Papers of British Cabinet Ministers 1900-1951, 1974; Menzies Observed, 1979; Gordon Chalk: A Political Life, 1987; (with C. Forster) Australian Statisticians and the Development of Official Statistics, 1988; (with G. Terrill and S. Mendra) Government Communication, 1993; (with C. Woodland) A Liberal Chronicle: The Political Journal and Papers of J.A. Pease, 1st Lord Gainford 1908-1910, 1994; (with S. Whitehead and C. Woodland) A Guide to the Papers of British Cabinet Ministers, 1900-1964, 1995. EDITOR: W.S. Churchill, The People's Rights, 1970; The Lloyd George Liberal Magazine, 1974; The History of the Ministry of Munitions, 1974; (with J.R. Nethercote) Reforming Australian Government, 1977; Australian Conservatism, 1979; The Mastermind Book, 1979; The Mastermind General Knowledge Book, 1982; (with K.M. Hazlehurst) Gangs and Youth Subcultures, 1998. Address: PO Box 60, Mapleton, QLD 4560, Australia. Online address: flaxmill@ozconnect.net

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