Hayman, David
HAYMAN, David. American, b. 1927. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: Professor of English, University of Texas, Austin, 1955-65, and University of Iowa, Iowa City, 1965-73; Professor of English and American Literature, University de Paris, 1972-73; University of Wisconsin, Madison, Professor of Comparative Literature, 1973-89, Evjue-Bascom Professor in the Humanities, 1989-96, Emeritus, 1996-. Prof of English and Am. Literature, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany, 1984-85; Professor of English, Coimbra University, Coimbra, Portugal, 1994. Publications: Joyce et Mallarmae, 1956; A First-Draft Version of Finnegan's Wake, 1963; Louis Ferdinand Celine, 1965; Ulysses: The Mechanics of Meaning, 1970, 1982; (with E. Rabkin) Form in Fiction, 1973; (with C. Hart) Ulysses: Critical Essays, 1974; (ed. with others) The James Joyce Archive, 1978; (ed.) In the Wake of the Wake, 1978; (ed.) Philippe Sollers, Writing and the Experience of Limits, 1983; Re-Forming the Narrative: Toward a Mechanics of Modernist Fiction, 1987; The Wake in Transit, 1990; (with S. Slate) Probes: Genetic Studies in Joyce, 1995. Address: 2913 Columbia Rd., Madison, WI 53705, U.S.A. Online address: hayjube@aol.com