Havet, Jose (L.)

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HAVET, Jose (L.)

HAVET, Jose (L.). Canadian (born Belgium), b. 1937. Genres: Sociology. Career: School teacher, Belgium, 1960-63; Universidad S. Francisco Xavier, Sucre, Bolivia, professor, 1970-72; Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, professor, 1976-80; University of Ottawa, professor, 1980-2003. Publications: The Diffusion of Power: Rural Elites in a Bolivian Province, 1985. EDITOR: (and author of intro) Le village et le bidonville: Retention et migration des populations rurales d'Afrique, 1986; (and contrib.) L'etude du developpement international au Canada: Evolution, recherche et enseignement, 1987; (and author of intro.) Staying On: Retention and Migration in Peasant Societies, 1988; (with L. Dignard) Women in Micro- and Small- Scale Enterprise Development, 1995; (author of intro., and contrib.) Identities, State, Markets: Looking at Social Change in Latin America, 1999. Contributor of articles and reviews to academic journals. Address: Department of Sociology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1N 6N5. Online address: jhavet@uottawa.cA

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