Harvie, Christopher (Thomas)

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HARVIE, Christopher (Thomas)

HARVIE, Christopher (Thomas). Scottish, b. 1944. Genres: History. Career: Open University, Milton Keynes, England, lecturer in history, 1969-80; University of Tuebingen, Germany, professor of British studies, 1980-. Held Labour Party posts, 1962-80; Scottish Centre for Social and Economic Research, vice-president 1990-99; Scottish Association for Public Transport, hon. president, 2002-. Publications: War and Society in the Nineteenth Century, 1973; The Lights of Liberalism: University Liberals and the Challenge of Democracy, 1860-1886, 1976; Scotland and Nationalism: Scottish Society and Politics, 1977, rev. ed., 2000; No Gods and Precious Few Heroes: Scotland, 1914-1980, 1981, rev. ed. as No Gods and Precious Few Heroes: Scotland since 1914, 2000; Against Metropolis, 1982; The Centre of Things: Political Fiction in Britain from Disraeli to the Present, 1991; Cultural Weapons: Scotland and Survival in a New Europe, 1992; Fool's Gold: The Story of North Sea Oil, 1994; The Rise of Regional Europe, 1994; Travelling Scot, 1999; Deep-Fried Hillman Imp, 2001; (with P. James) The Road to Home Rule, 2000; Scotland: A Short History, 2002. EDITOR: (with G. Martin and A. Scharf) Industrialisation and Culture, 1830-1914, 1970; (with A. Marwick, C. Knightly, and K. Wrightson) The Illustrated Dictionary of British History, 1981; (with I. Donnachie and I.S. Wood) Forward: Labour Politics in Scotland, 1888-1988, 1989; (and author of intro) J. Buchan, The Thirty Nine Steps, 1993. Contributor to books. Address: University of Tuebingen, Wilhelmstrasse 50, 72074 Tuebingen, Germany. Online address: christopher.harvie@uni-tuebingen.de

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Harvie, Christopher (Thomas)

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