Hart, Jonathan (Locke)
HART, Jonathan (Locke)
HART, Jonathan (Locke). Canadian, b. 1956. Genres: Novellas/Short stories, Plays/Screenplays, Poetry, Theatre, Essays. Career: University of Alberta, Edmonton, lecturer in English, 1984-85, assistant professor, 1987-92, associate professor of English and adjunct professor of comparative literature, 1992-95, professor, 1995-; Trent University, Peterborough, ON, assistant professor of English, 1985-86; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, visiting scholar and tutor at Kirkland House, 1986-87, associate at Kirkland House and visiting scholar, 1992-93, Fulbright faculty fellow of comparative literature, 1996-97; Cambridge University, visiting fellow, 1993-94; Princeton University, visiting professor of history and Canadian studies, 2000-02. Publications: More Than This Burning Ash (play), 1978-79; Hitler (play), 1988-89; Theater and World: The Problematics of Shakespeare's History, 1992; Northrop Frye: The Theoretical Imagination, 1994; Imagining Culture, 1996; Breath and Dust, 2000; Representing the New World, 2001; Columbus, Shakespeare and the Interpretation of the New World, 2002; Comparing Empires, forthcoming. Contributor of essays, stories, and poems to periodicals. Address: Dept of English, 3-35 Humanities Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2E5. Online address: jonathan.hart@ualberta.ca