Haring, Lee
HARING, Lee. American, b. 1930. Genres: Area studies, Literary criticism and history, Mythology/Folklore, Third World. Career: Guilford College, Greensboro, NC, assistant professor of English, 1953-56; Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, Brooklyn, NY, lecturer, 1957-61, instructor, 1961-67, assistant professor, 1967-73, associate professor, 1973-81, professor, 1981-99, professor of English emeritus, 1999-. Publications: The Gypsy Laddie, 1962; Folk Songs for Guitar, 1964; Malagasy Tale Index, 1982; Verbal Arts in Madagascar, 1992; Ibonia, Epic of Madagascar, 1994; Ann Koleksyonn Folklor Moris, 2001; Indian Ocean Folktales, 2002. Address: 6 Cantine's Island Ln, Saugerties, NY 12477, U.S.A. Online address: lharing@hvc.rr.com
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Haring, Lee