Hardy, Barbara (Gladys)

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HARDY, Barbara (Gladys)

HARDY, Barbara (Gladys). British (born Wales), b. 1924. Genres: Literary criticism and history, Autobiography/Memoirs, Novels, Poetry. Career: Professor Emeritus, University of London, 1989- (Professor of English, Birk- beck College, 1970-89, Professor, Royal Holloway College, 1965-70); Professor of English (Hon.), University College of Swansea; Hon. Member M.L. A., Fellow, Royal Society of Literature, Hon. Fellow, Birkbeck College, Royal Holloway College, University of Wales, Swansea. Publications: The Novels of George Eliot: A Study in Form, 1959; Twelfth Night, 1962; Wuthering Heights, 1963; The Appropriate Form: An Essay on the Novel, 1964; Jane Eyre, 1964; Charles Dickens: The Later Novels, 1968; The Moral Art of Dickens, 1970; The Exposure of Luxury: Radical Themes in Thackeray, 1972; Tellers and Listeners: The Narrative Imagination, 1975; A Reading of Jane Austen, 1976; The Advantage of Lyric: Essays on Feeling in Poetry, 1976; Particularities: Readings in George Eliot, 1983; Charles Dickens: The Writer and His Work, 1983; Forms of Feeling in Victorian Fiction, 1985; Narrators and Novelists: Collected Essays, Vol. 1, 1987; Swansea Girl, 1993; London Lovers, 1996; Henry James: The Later Writings, 1996; Shakespeare's Storytellers, 1997; Thomas Hardy: Imaging Imagination, 2000; Dylan Thomas: An Original Language, 2000; Severn Bridge: Collected and New Poems, 2001. EDITOR: Middlemarch: Critical Approaches to the Novel, 1967; Daniel Deronda, by G. Eliot, 1967; Critical Essays on George Eliot, 1970; The Trumpet Major, by T. Hardy, 1974; Laodicean, by Hardy, 1975; Not So Quiet, by H.Z. Smith, 1988. Address: Birkbeck College, Malet St, London WC1E 7HX, England.

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