The Hard Word

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The Hard Word ★★½ 2002 (R)

Pearce is Dale, the eldest of three criminal brothers who are enticed into one last job upon their release from prison. Since they've been pulling jobs all along, thanks to a “work-release” program cooked up by their slimy lawyer, Frank Malone (Taylor), and some crooked cops, it doesn't seem like a bad idea. Problems arise when Dale finds out that Frank is setting them up, and having an affair with his femme-fatale wife Carole (Griffiths). Aussie caper flick sizzles on the strength of lived-in performances by Pearce and Griffiths, as well as a grungy feel that makes the whole thing resonate with suspicion. 102m/C VHS, DVD . AU GB Guy Pearce, Rachel Griffiths, Robert Taylor, Joel Edgerton, Damien Richardson, Rhonda Findleton, Kate Atikinson, Vince Colosimo, Paul Sonkkila, Kim Gyngell, Dorian Nkono; D: Scott Roberts; W: Scott Roberts; C: Brian J. Breheny; M: David Thrussell.

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