Harclerode, Peter

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HARCLERODE, Peter. British, b. 1947. Genres: Military/Defense/Arms control. Career: Writer. Publications: The Elite and Their Support, 1987; Go to It: The Illustrated History of the 6th Airborne, 1990; Para! Fifty Years of the Parachute Regiment, 1992; Arnhem: A Tragedy of Errors, 1994; (with B. Pittaway) The Lost Masters: The Looting of Europe's Treasurehouses, 1999; Fighting Dirty: The Inside Story of Covert Operations from Ho Chi Minh to Osama bin Laden, 2000; Equinox: Warfare, 2000; Secret Soldiers: Special Forces in the War against Terrorism, 2001. Address: c/o Natasha Galloway, PFD, 34-43 Russell St., Drury House, London WC2B 5HA, England. Online address: sirmoori@globalnet.co.uk

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