Hanson, Philip

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HANSON, Philip

HANSON, Philip. British, b. 1936. Genres: Economics. Career: H.M. Treasury, economic assistant, 1960-61; University of Exeter, lecturer in economics, 1961-67; University of Birmingham, lecturer, 1968-73, sr. lecturer, 1973-81, reader, 1981-87, professor of Soviet economics, then professor of the political economy of Russian and Eastern Europe, 1987-. Visiting professor, University of Michigan, 1967-68, 1977, Kyoto University, 2000; Foreign and Commonwealth Office, sr. research officer, 1971-72; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, sr. Mellon fellow, 1986-87; United Nations, Geneva, senior economic affairs officer, 1991-92. Cambridge University Press, Soviet and East European Studies Monograph Series, member of the editorial board, 1973-77; Soviet Economy, contributing ed., 1985-. Publications: The Wage-Packet: How the Economy Works, 1968; The Consumer in the Soviet Economy, 1968; Advertising and Socialism, 1974; USSR: The Foreign Trade Implications of the 1976-80 Plan, 1976; Trade and Technology in Soviet-Western Relations, 1981; (with K. Pavitt) The Comparative Economics of Research, Development, and Innovation in East and West, 1987; Western Economic Statecraft in East-West Relations, 1988; The Baltic States: The Economic and Political Consequences of the Secession of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania from the USSR, 1990; From Stagnation to Catastroika, 1992; The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Economy, 2003. EDITOR: (with K. Dawisha) Soviet-East European Dilemmas, 1981; (with M. Kirkwood) Alexander Zinoviev as Writer and Thinker, 1987; (with J. Gibson) Transformation from Below, 1996; (with M.J. Bradshaw) Regional Economic Change in Russia, 2000. Address: Centre for Russian and East European Studies, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, England. Online address: P.Hanson@bham.ac.uk

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