Hannam, June

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HANNAM, June. British, b. 1947. Genres: Biography, Bibliography. Career: Assistant lecturer at a technical secondary school, 1970-71; North East London Polytechnic, London, England, associate lecturer in history, 1971-73; University of the West of England, Bristol, lecturer to senior lecturer, 1973-86, principal lecturer in humanities, social science, and history, 1987-, department head, 1985-97, member of the university's board of governors, 1993-. Publications: Isabella Ford, 1855-1924, 1989; (Compiler with P. Stafford and A. Hughes) British Women's History: A Bibliographical Guide, 1996; (assoc ed) New Dictionary of National Biography. Contributor to works on womens history. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals. Address: University of the West of England, St. Matthias, Oldbury Court Rd., Fishponds, Bristol BS16 2JP, England. Online address: J2-hannam@uwe.ac.uk

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