Hamilton, Sharon Jean

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HAMILTON, Sharon Jean

HAMILTON, Sharon Jean. Canadian, b. 1944. Genres: Education, Adult non-fiction, Women's studies and issues, Autobiography/Memoirs. Career: Elementary school teacher, 1964-67; junior high school teacher, 1969-72; high school English teacher and department head, 1972-83; University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, assistant professor of English, 1986-87; Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, assistant professor, 1987-92, professor of English, 1992-, acting associate dean of external affairs, 1994-95, Chancellor's Professor, director of the Urban Universities Portfolio Project. Publications: (with E. Hansen) Sourcebook for Collaborative Learning in the Arts and Sciences, 1992; (ed. with K. Bosworth, and contrib.) Collaborative Learning in Higher Education: Underlying Processes and Effective Techniques, 1994; My Name's Not Susie: A Life Transformed by Literacy, 1995; My Mother Was My Brother's Only Child (play). Author of audiovisual materials. Contributor to books. Contributor of articles and reviews to professional journals. Address: University Library UL 1140C, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, 755 W Michigan St, Indianapolis, IN 46202, U.S.A. Online address: shamilto@iupui.edu

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