Ham, Debra Newman
HAM, Debra Newman
HAM, Debra Newman. Also writes as Debra Lynn Newman. American, b. 1948. Genres: History. Career: National Archives, Washington, DC, summer intern, 1970-71, archivist working as assistant to the black history specialist, 1972-74, project archivist with Industrial and Social Branch, 1974-78, African American history specialist in Civil Archives Division, 1978-86; Library of Congress, Washington, DC, African American history and culture specialist, 1986-95; Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD, professor of African and archival history, 1995-. Syracuse University, member of Seminar in Kenya and Tanzania, 1973; University of Liberia, Liberian Women in Development Project, volunteer, 1981; Northern Virginia Community College, adjunct professor, 1986-88. Publications: AS DEBRA LYNN NEWMAN: List of Free Black Heads of Families in the 1790 Census, 1973; List of Black Servicemen Compiled from the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records, 1974; Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Social Security Administration, 1976; Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Office of Economic Opportunity, 1977; Selected Documents Pertaining to Black Workers among the Records of the Department of Labor and Its Component Bureaus, 1902-69, 1977; Black History: A Guide to Civilian Records in the National Archives, 1984. EDITOR AS DEBRA NEWMAN HAM: The African-American Mosaic: A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History and Culture, 1993; The African American Odyssey, 1998. Contributor to books and history journals. Address: Department of History, Morgan State University, 1700 E Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD 21251, U.S.A. Online address: dham@moac.morgan.edu