Hall, Ivan P(arker)

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HALL, Ivan P(arker)

HALL, Ivan P(arker). American (born Bulgaria), b. 1932. Genres: Area studies. Career: Writer and historian. Worked in military intelligence, West Germany, 1954-56; worked for United States Information Service in Kabul, Afghanistan, and Dacca, East Pakistan, 1958-61; Philadelphia Bulletin, Japan correspondent, 1970-77; Washington Star, Japan correspondent, 1970-77; Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission, Japan Representative and Associate Executive Director, 1977-84; Tsukuba University, professor of international cultural relations and intellectual history, 1985-93; Keio University, professor of international cultural relations and intellectual history, 1985-93; Gakushuin University, professor of international cultural relations and intellectual history, 1985-93; Japan Policy Research Institute, Cardiff, CA, member of board of advisers, c. 1993-. Consultant to the Harvard-Yenching Institute for East Asia and for Harvard's Japan Fund Drive. Publications: Mori Arinori, 1973; Cartels of the Mind: Japan's Intellectual Closed Shop, 1997. Address: Japan Policy Research Institute, 2138 Via Tiempo, Cardiff, CA 92007, U.S.A.

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