Grossinger, Tania

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GROSSINGER, Tania. American, b. 1937. Genres: Novels, Advertising/Public relations, Food and Wine, Human relations/Parenting, Psychology, Travel/Exploration, Writing/Journalism, Autobiography/Memoirs. Career: Public relations consultant. Director of Broadcast Promotion, Playboy Magazine, NYC, 1963-69; Director of Publicity, Stein & Day Inc., publrs., NYC, 1970-72; Israel Ministry of Tourism, Conn Communications, PR counsel, 1990-. Publications: The Book of Gadgets, 1974; Growing Up at Grossinger's, 1975; The Great Gadget Catalogue, 1978; (co-author) Weekend, 1980. Contributor of travel articles to magazines and newspapers. Address: 1 Christopher St Apt 7E, New York, NY 10014, U.S.A. Online address: