Gross, Richard (Edmund)
GROSS, Richard (Edmund)
GROSS, Richard (Edmund). American, b. 1920. Genres: Education, History, Social sciences. Career: Professor, School of Education, Stanford University, California (joined faculty, 1955). Publications: (with M. Rodehaver and W. Axtell) The Sociology of the School, 1957; (with L. B. Zeleny) Educating Citizens for Democracy, 1958; (ed.) Report of the State Central Committee on Social Studies, 1959; (ed. and Contributor) The Heritage of American Education, 1962; United States History, 1964; (ed. and Contributor) British Secondary Education, 1965; (with V. Devereaux) Civics in Action, 1965, rev. ed. 1971; (with F. MacGraw) Man's World: A Physical Geography, 1966; (with W. McPhie and J. Fraenkel) Teaching the Social Studies: What, Why, and How, 1969; How to Handle controversial issues, 1969; (with J. Chapin and R. McHugh) Quest for Liberty, 1971, 3rd rev. ed. 1973; (ed. with R. Muessig) Problem-Centered Social Studies Instruction: Approaches to Reflective Teaching, 1971; (ed. with L. de la Cruz) Social Studies Dissertations, 1963-69, 1971; (with J. Chapin) Teaching Social Studies Skills, 1973; (with D. Weitzman) Man's World, 1973; The Human Experience, 1973; American Citizenship: The Way We Govern, 1978; Social Studies for Our Times, 1978; (with D. Duffy) Learning to Live in Society, 1980; (with T. Dynneson) What Should We Be Teaching in the Social Studies?, 1983; (with T. Dynneson) Social Science Perspectives on Citizenship Education, 1991; (with T. Dynneson) Designing Effective Instruction for Secondary Social Studies, 1995. Address: 26304 Esperanza Dr, Los Altos, CA 94022, U.S.A.