Grobsmith, Elizabeth S.

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GROBSMITH, Elizabeth S.

GROBSMITH, Elizabeth S. (Liz). American, b. 1946. Genres: Anthropology/Ethnology. Career: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, instructor in anthropology, 1971-72, instructor, 1975-77, assistant professor, 1977-81, associate professor, 1981-91, professor of anthropology, 1991-, assistant dean, College of Arts and Sciences, 1989-91, assistant vice-chancellor for academic affairs, 1991-94, associate vice-chancellor, 1994-96, Center for Great Plains Studies, 1986-90; University of Arizona, Tucson, instructor in anthropology, 1973; Sinte Gleska College, Rosebud, SD, instructor in anthropology, 1973-74; University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, dean of College of Letters, Arts & Sciences, 1996-2001; Utah State University, dean of College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences, 2001-02; Northern Arizona University, professor of anthropology, 2002-, and provost and vice president for academic affairs, 2002-. Conducted extensive field research at Native American sites, including San Carlos Apache Reservation, Pine Ridge Reservation, and Rosebud Sioux Reservation; also worked among the Siouan and Caddoan tribes of Oklahoma, the Otoe-Missouria clans, and the Tlingit tribe of Yakutat, AK; expert witness and consultant in federal cases involving Native American claims against the Nebraska Department of Corrections. Publications: Lakota of the Rosebud: A Contemporary Ethnography, 1981; Indians in Prison: Incarcerated Native Americans in Nebraska, 1994. Contributor to books. Contributor of articles and reviews to anthropology journals. Address: Provost, Northern Arizona University, PO Box 4120, Flagstaff, AZ 86011, U.S.A. Online address: