Greer, Steven (Crawford)
GREER, Steven (Crawford)
GREER, Steven (Crawford). Irish/British, b. 1956. Genres: Law. Career: University of Sussex, Brighton, England, lecturer in law, 1985-86; University of Bristol, England, lecturer in law, 1986-96, reader in law, 1996-. University of Hanover, visiting lecturer, summer 1988. Occasional consultant to the Council of Europe. Publications: (with A. White) Abolishing the Diplock Courts: The Case for Restoring Jury Trial to Scheduled Offences in Northern Ireland, 1986; (ed. with R. Morgan, and contrib.) The Right to Silence Debate, 1990; Supergrasses: A Study in Anti-Terrorist Law Enforcement in Northern Ireland, 1995. Contributor to books. Contributor of articles and reviews to academic and other journals. Address: School of Law, Wills Memorial Bldg, University of Bristol, Queens Rd, Bristol BS8 1RJ, England. Online address: