Greenhill, Pauline

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GREENHILL, Pauline. Canadian, b. 1955. Genres: Anthropology/Ethnology, Cultural/Ethnic topics, Mythology/Folklore, Women's studies and issues. Career: University of Waterloo, ON, Canada, assistant professor, 1986-90, associate professor of Canadian studies, 1990-91, adjunct professor of anthropology, 1987-91, and English, 1989; University of Winnipeg, MB, associate professor of women's studies, 1991-96, and anthropology, 1995-97, coordinator of women's studies, 1992-94, professor of women's studies, 1996-. Canadian Women's Studies Association, president-elect, 1993-94, president, 1994-95, past president, 1995-96; Folklore Studies Association of Canada, secretary-treasury, 2000-. Publications: So We Can Remember: Showing Family Photographs, 1981; Lots of Stories: Maritime Narratives from the Creighton Collection, 1985; True Poetry: Traditional and Popular Verse in Ontario, 1989; Ethnicity in the Mainstream: Three Studies of English Canadian Culture, 1994; (ed. with D. Tye) Undisciplined Women: Tradition and Culture in Canada, 1997. Contributor to books. Contributor of articles and reviews to journals. Address: Women's Studies, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R2B 2E9. Online address:

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