Grant, Bruce (Alexander)

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GRANT, Bruce (Alexander)

GRANT, Bruce (Alexander). Australian, b. 1925. Genres: Novels, International relations/Current affairs, Politics/Government. Career: The Age newspaper, Melbourne: Film Theatre Critic, 1949-53, Foreign Correspondent in Europe and Middle East (based in London), 1954-57, Washington Correspondent, 1964-65, Columnist on Public Affairs (Melbourne based), 1968-72; Foreign Correspondent in Asia for The Age and Sydney Morning Herald (based in Singapore), 1959-63; Fellow in Political Science, University of Melbourne, 1965-68; High Commissioner for Australia in India, and Ambassador to Nepal, 1973-76; Associate, International Institute for Strategic Studies, London, 1976-77; Writer-in-Residence, 1980, Professor of Graduate School of Government, 1994-97, Adjunct Professor of Dept of Management, 1997-2003, Monash University, Australia. Arts Adviser, Government of Victoria, 1982-86; President, Spoleto Melbourne Festival of Three Worlds, 1985-87; Consultant to the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, 1988-91; Chairman, Australia-Indonesia Institute, 1989-92. Publications: Indonesia, 1964; A Crisis of Loyalty, 1972; Arthur and Eric, 1977; The Security of South-East Asia, 1978; The Boat People, 1979; Cherry Bloom, 1980; Gods and Politicians, 1982; The Australian Dilemma, 1983; What Kind of Country?, 1988; (with G. Evans) Australia's Foreign Relations, 1991; The Budd Family, 1995; A Furious Hunger: America in the 21st Century, 1999. Address: c/o The Drummond Agency, PO Box 572, Wood-end, VIC 3442, Australia. Online address:

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