Gramlich, Edward Martin

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GRAMLICH, Edward Martin

GRAMLICH, Edward Martin. American, b. 1939. Genres: Money/Finance, Economics. Career: Federal Reserve Board, Washington, DC, member of research and statistics division, 1965-70, governor, 1997-; U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity, Washington, DC, director of Policy Research Division, 1971-73, director, 1971-73; The Brookings Institute, senior fellow, 1973-76; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, professor of economics and public policy, 1976-97, director of Institute of Public Policy Studies, 1973-83, 1991-95, chair of economics department, 1983-86, 1989-90, dean of School of Public Policy, 1995-97; Congressional Budget Office, deputy directory, 1986, acting director, 1987, member of Panel of Economics Advisors, 1988-92. Visiting lecturer at universities. Publications: Recent Controversies Concerning Monetary Policy, 1970; (ed., with D.M. Jaffee) Savings Deposits, Mortgages, and Housing in the FRB-MIT-Penn Econometric Model, 1972; (with P.P. Koshel) Educational Performance Contracting: An Evaluation of an Experiment, 1975; (with B.M. Blechman and R.W. Hartman) Setting National Priorities: The 1975 Budget, 1974; (with B.M. Blechman and R.W. Hartman) Setting National Priorities: The 1976 Budget, 1975; State and Local Budget Surpluses and the Effect of Federal Macroeconomic Policies: A Study, 1979; Benefit-Cost Analysis of Government Programs, 1981; (with P.N. Courant) Tax Reform: There Must Be a Better Way, 1981; (ed., with B-C Ysander) Control of Local Government, IUI Conference Reports Series 1985, 1985; (with P.N. Courant) Federal Budget Deficits: America's Great Consumption Binge, 1986; A Guide to Benefit-Cost Analysis, 1990; Financing Federal Systems: The Selected Essays of Edward M; Gramlich, 1997; Is it Time to Reform Social Security?, 1998; (with C.E. Steuerle, H. Hecho, and D.S. Nightengale) The Government We Deserve: Responsive Democracy and Changing Expectations, 1998. Contributor of chapters to books. Contributor to books and periodicals. Address: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th and Constitution Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20551, U.S.A. Online address:

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