Gould, K. Lance

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GOULD, K. Lance

GOULD, K. Lance. American, b. 1938. Genres: Medicine/Health. Career: Physician, writer. Academic appointments: University of Hawaii School of Public Health, instructor, 1969; University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, instructor, 1970, assistant professor, 1972, associate professor, 1976; University of Texas Medical School, Houston, professor, 1979-; director, division of cardiology, 1979-85; vice chairman for clinical affairs, 1980-84; professor (Health Science Center), 1980-98; Positron Diagnostic and Research Center, director, 1979-87; Weatherhead PET Center for Preventing and Reversing Atherosclerosis, director, 1997-. Hospital appointments: VA Hospital, Seattle, WA, attending physician, 1970-79, education and research associate, 197174, clinical investigator, 1971-74; Hermann Hospital, Houston, TX, chief of cardiology, attending physician, 197985. Has served on national grant review panels and currently serves on the editorial boards of many professional journals. In addition to academic lectures, provides talks and presentations for the lay audience and for radio, television, and print media. Publications: Heal Your Heart: How You Can Prevent or Reverse Heart Disease, 1998; Coronary Artery Stenosis and Reversing Heart Disease, 1999. Contributor of articles to academic journals and to film productions. Address: University of Texas Medical School, Room 4.256 MSB, 6431 Fannin St., Houston, TX 77030, U.S.A. Online address: gould@heart.med.uth.tmc.edu

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