Goodwin, Suzanne

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GOODWIN, Suzanne

GOODWIN, Suzanne. Also writes as Suzanne Ebel, Cecily Shelbourne. British, b. 1916. Genres: Romance/Historical, Travel/Exploration. Career: Journalist; Advertising director; Novelist. Publications: NOVELS: The Winter Spring, 1978; The Winter Sisters, 1980; Emerald, 1980; Floodtide, 1983; Sisters, 1985; Cousins, 1986; Daughters, 1987; Lovers, 1988; Reflections in a Lake, 1989; To Love a Hero, 1989; A Change of Season, 1991; The Rising Storm, 1992; While the Music Lasts, 1993; The Difference, 1994; Sheer Chance, 1996; French Leave, 2001. AS SUZANNE EBEL: Love, the Magician, 1956; Journey from Yesterday, 1963; The Half-Enchanted, 1964; The Love Campaign, 1965; The Dangerous Winter, 1965; A Perfect Stranger, 1966; A Name in Lights, 1968; A Most Auspicious Star, 1968; Somersault, 1971; Portrait of Jill, 1972; Dear Kate, 1972; To Seek a Star, 1973; The Family Feeling, 1973; (with D. Impey) Explore the Cotswolds by Bicycle (non-fiction), 1973; Girl by the Sea, 1974; Music in Winter, 1975; (with D. Impey) London's Riverside, from Hampton Court in the West to Greenwich Palace in the East, 1975, as A Guide to London's Riverside, 1985; A Grove of Olives, 1976; River Voices, 1976; The Double Rainbow, 1977; A Rose in Heather, 1978; Julia's Sister, 1982; The Provencal Summer, 1982; House of Nightingales, 1986; The Clover Field, 1987. AS CECILY SHELBOURNE: Stage of Love, 1978. Address: 52A Digby Mansions, Hammersmith Bridge Rd, London W6 9DF, England.

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