Gonzalez, Ray

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GONZALEZ, Ray. American, b. 1952. Genres: Poetry, Literary criticism and history. Career: Poet, editor and educator. Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center, San Antonio, TX, director, 1989-. Poet-in-residence, Woodinville, WA public schools, 1987. Also taught writing to juvenile offenders at the Emerson House Detention Center, Denver, CO. Publications: From the Restless Roots, 1986; Twilights and Chants: Poems, 1987; Memory Fever: A Journey Beyond El Paso del Norte, 1993; The Heat of Arrivals, 1996; Cabato Sentora, 1998. EDITOR: Without Discovery: A Native Response to Columbus, 1992; After Aztlan: Latino Poets of the Nineties, 1992; Mirrors Beneath the Earth: Short Fiction by Chicano Writers, 1992; Currents from the Dancing River: Contemporary Latino Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry, 1994; Under the Pomegranate Tree: The Best New Latino Erotica, 1996; Inheritance of Light, 1996; Muy Macho: Latino Men Confront Their Manhood, 1996; Touching the Fire: Fifteen Poets of Today's Latino Renaissance, 1998. Address: Dept of English, 310E Lind Hall, University of Minnesota, 207 Church St SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, U.S.A. Online address: gonza049@umn.edu

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Gonzalez, Ray

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