Gonzales, Phillip B.

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GONZALES, Phillip B.

GONZALES, Phillip B. American, b. 1946. Genres: Sociology. Career: Sociology professor. Academic research positions in sociology, 1978-87; University of Wisconsin-Madison, summer visiting professor in sociology and Chicano studies, 1990; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, associate professor, 1987-, director, Southwest Hispanic Research Institute, 1996-. Publications: (with L. Lamphere and P. Zavella) Sunbelt Working Mothers: Reconciling Family and Factory, 1993; Forced Sacrifice as Ethnic Protest: The Hispano Cause in New Mexico and the Racial Attitude Confrontation of 1933, 2001. Contributor to periodicals. Address: University of New Mexico, Sociology Department, 1103 Social Science Building, Albuquerque, NM 87131, U.S.A. Online address: gonzales@unm.edu

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Gonzales, Phillip B.

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Gonzales, Phillip B.