Golomstock, Igor (Naumovitch)

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GOLOMSTOCK, Igor (Naumovitch)

GOLOMSTOCK, Igor (Naumovitch). Also writes as Fomin. British (born U.S.S.R.), b. 1929. Genres: Art/Art history. Career: Oxford University, Oxford, England, lecturer, 1976-80; British Broadcasting Corp., London, England, scriptwriter, 1979-87. Visiting researcher, Stanford University, 1986-87, and Harvard University, 1988-89. Publications: (with A. Sinyarskii) Picasso, 1960; (as Fomin) Hieronymus Bosch, 1973; Cezanne, 1975; Unofficial Art from the Soviet Union, 1977; Totalitarian Art, 1990; The Camp Drawings of Boris Sveshnikov, 2000. Address: c/o Andrew Nurnberg, Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd, Clerkenwell House, 45-47 Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0HT, England. Online address: igor@golomstock.snet.co.uk

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