Goedicke, Patricia (McKenna)
GOEDICKE, Patricia (McKenna)
GOEDICKE, Patricia (McKenna). (Mrs. Leonard Robinson). American, b. 1931. Genres: Poetry. Career: Harcourt Brace & World publrs., NYC, editorial assistant, 1953-54; T. Y. Crowell publrs., NYC, editorial assistant, 1955-56; Page mag., Athens, OH, co-ed., 1961-66; taught at Ohio University, Athens, 1962-68, Hunter College, NYC, 1969-71, Instituto Allende, 1972-79, and Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY, 1980-81; University of Montana, Missoula, poet-in-residence, 1981-83, associate professor, 1983-90, professor of creative writing, 1990-. Publications: Between Oceans, 1968; For the Four Corners, 1976; The Trail That Turns on Itself, 1978; The Dog That Was Barking Yesterday, 1980; Crossing the Same River, 1980; The King of Childhood, 1984; The Wind of Our Going, 1985; Listen Love, 1986; The Tongues We Speak, 1989; Paul Bunyan's Bearskin, 1992; Invisible Horses, 1996; As Earth Begins to End, 2000. Address: 310 McLeod Ave, Missoula, MT 59801, U.S.A. Online address: goedicke@earthlink.net