Gobbell, John J.

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GOBBELL, John J. American, b. 1937. Genres: Novels. Career: KPMG Peat Marwick (certified public accountants), Los Angeles, CA, consultant, 1967-70; Angeles Corp. (investors), Los Angeles, director of personnel, 1970-73; Boyden Associates Inc. (executive recruiters), NYC, vice-president of branch in Newport Beach, CA, 1973-83; Gobbell Co. (executive recruiters), Newport Beach, managing director, 1983-. USC Commerce Associates, president. Orange County Fictionaires (reading group), president, 1996. Publications: NOVELS: The Brutus Lie, 1991; The Last Lieutenant, 1995; A Code for Tomorrow, 1999; When Duty Whispers Low, 2002. Address: Gobbell Co., 1601 Dove St. Suite 145, Newport Beach, CA 92660-2410, U.S.A. Online address: jgobbell@johnjgobbell.com