Ginat, Joseph

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GINAT, Joseph

GINAT, Joseph. Israeli. Genres: Area studies, Anthropology/Ethnology. Career: University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, professor; deputy administrator for Arab affairs in Israel; lecturer. Publications: Women in Muslim Rural Society: Status and Role in Family and Community, 1982; Analysis of the Arab Vote in the 1984 Elections (monograph), 1987; Blood Disputes among Bedouin and Rural Arabs in Israel: Blood Revenge, Mediation, Outcasting, and Family Honor, 1987; (with I. Altman) Polygamous Families in Contemporary Society, 1996. EDITOR: (with E. Marx and A. Shmueli; and contrib.) The Changing Bedouin, 1984; (with B. Rubin and M. Ma'oz) From War to Peace: Arab-Israeli Relations, 1973-1993, 1994; (with A.M. Khazanov) Changing Nomads in a Changing World, 1997. Address: University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, 31905 Haifa, Israel. Online address: