Gilson, Christopher C.
GILSON, Christopher C.
GILSON, Christopher C. American. Genres: Business/Trade/Industry. Career: Writer. Worked as a television marketing executive and creative director. Publications: (with H.W. Berkman) Consumer Behavior: Concepts and Strategies, 1978, rev. ed, 1986; (with L.C. Cawley and W.R. Schmidt) How to Market Your Law Practice, 1979; (with H.W. Berkman) Advertising Concepts and Strategies, 1980; (with L. Cawley and R. Schmidt) Consumer Revenge, 1981; (as Chris Gilson) Dare to Be Square, 1988; (as Chris Gilson) Crazy for Cornelia (novel), 2000. Address: c/o Author Mail, Warner Books, 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, U.S.A. Online address:
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Gilson, Christopher C.