Gibbons, Gail (Gretchen)

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GIBBONS, Gail (Gretchen)

GIBBONS, Gail (Gretchen). American, b. 1944. Genres: Children's fiction, Children's non-fiction. Career: WCIA-Television, Champaign, IL, artist, 1967-1969; WMAQ-TV, Chicago, promotions and animation artist, 1969; Bob Hower Agency, Chicago, staff artist, 1969-70; WNBC-Television, House of Animation, NYC, staff artist, 1970-76; freelance writer and illustrator of children's books, 1975-; United Press International, NYC, freelance artist, 1977-. Publications: SELF-ILLUSTRATED FOR CHILDREN. NONFICTION: Things to Make and Do for Halloween, 1976; Things to Make and Do for Columbus Day, 1977; Things to Make and Do for Your Birthday, 1978; Clocks and How They Go, 1979; Lock and Keys, 1980; The Too-Great Bread Bake Book, 1980; Trucks, 1981; Christmas Time, 1982; The Post Office Book: Mail and How It Moves, 1982; Tool Book, 1982; Boat Book, 1983; New Road!, 1983; Sun Up, Sun Down, 1983; Thanksgiving Day, 1983; Department Store, 1984; Fire! Fire!, 1984; Halloween, 1984; The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree, 1984; Tunnels, 1984; Check It Out:, 1985; Fill It Up!, 1985; The Milk Makers, 1985; Playgrounds, 1985; Flying, 1986; From Path to Highway: The Story of the Boston Post Road, 1986; Happy Birthday!, 1986; Up Goes the Skyscraper!, 1986; Valentine's Day, 1986; Deadline!, 1987; Dinosaurs, 1987; Trains, 1987; Weather Forecasting, 1987; Zoo, 1987; Farming, 1988; Prehistoric Animals, 1988; Sunken Treasure, 1988; Catch the Wind!, 1989; Easter, 1989; Marge's Diner, 1989; Monarch Butterfly, 1989; Beacons of Light, 1990; How a House Is Built, 1990; Weather Words and What They Mean, 1990; From Seed to Plant, 1991; The Puffins Are Back!, 1991; Whales, 1991; The Great St. Lawrence Seaway, 1992; Recycle!, 1992; Sharks, 1992; Stargazers, 1992; Caves & Caverns, 1993; Frogs, 1993; Pirates: Robbers of the High Seas, 1993; The Planets, 1993; Puff-Flash-Bang!, 1993; Spiders, 1993; Christmas on an Island, 1994; Country Fair, 1994; Emergency!, 1994; Nature's Green Umbrella, 1994; St. Patrick's Day, 1994; Wolves, 1994; Bicycle Book, 1995; Knights in Shining Armor, 1995; Planet Earth/Inside Out, 1995; The Reasons for Seasons, 1995; Sea Turtles, 1995; Cats, 1996; Deserts, 1996; Dogs, 1996; Music Maker, 1996; Click!, 1997; Gulls…Gulls…Gulls…, 1997; The Honey Makers, 1997; The Moon Book, 1997; Paper, Paper Everywhere, 1997; Marshes & Swamps, 1998; Soaring with the Wind, 1998; Yippee-Yay!, 1998; Rabbits, Rabbits and More Rabbits, 2000; Apples, 2000; My Baseball Book, 2000; My Soccer Book, 2000; My Football Book, 2000; My Basketball Book, 2000; Ducks!, 2001; Polar Bears, 2001; Behold…the Unicorns!, 2001. FICTION: Willie and His Wheel Wagon, 1975; Salvador and Mister Sam: A Guide to Parakeet Care, 1976; The Missing Maple Syrup Sap Mystery; or, How Maple Syrup Is Made, 1979; The Magnificent Morris Mouse Clubhouse, 1981. Illustrator of books by J. Yolen, J. Enderle, C. Chase, J. Cole, F. Asch. Address: Goose Green, Corinth, VT 05039, U.S.A. Online address:

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