Gerrard, John

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GERRARD, John. Also writes as A. J. Gerrard. British, b. 1944. Genres: Earth sciences. Career: University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England, lecturer, 1969-89, senior lecturer in geography, 1989-97, reader in geography, 1997-; writer. Publications: Soils and Landforms, 1981; The Book of Plymouth, 1982; Rocks and Landforms, 1988; Mountain Environments, 1990; Soil Geomorphology, 1992; Fundamentals of Soils, 2000; Encyclopedia of Geomorphology, forthcoming. EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR: (as A.J. Gerrard) Alluvial Soils, 1987; Managing a Conurbation: Birmingham and Its Region, 1996. Address: Department of Geography, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, England. Online address:

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