George, Stephen (Alan)

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GEORGE, Stephen (Alan)

GEORGE, Stephen (Alan). British, b. 1949. Genres: History, International relations/Current affairs, Politics/Government. Career: Huddersfield Polytechnic, England, research assistant, 1971-72; University of Sheffield, England, lecturer, 1973-90, senior lecturer, 1991-92, reader in politics, 1992-94, Jean Monnet professor in politics, 1994-2001, professor of politics, 2001-; writer. Publications: Politics and Policy in the European Community, 1985, 3rd ed., 1991; An Awkward Partner: Britain in the European Community, 1990, 3rd ed., 1998; Britain and European Integration since 1945, 1991; (ed.) Britain and the European Community: The Politics of Semi-Detachment, 1992; (ed. with S. Bulmer and A. Scott) The United Kingdom and European Community Membership Evaluated, 1992; (with I. Bache) Politics in the European Union, 2001. Address: Department of Politics, University of Sheffield, Elmfield, Northumberland Rd, Sheffield S10 2TU, England. Online address:

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