Gay, Kathlyn R.

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GAY, Kathlyn R.

GAY, Kathlyn R. American, b. 1930. Genres: Children's fiction, Plays/Screenplays, Communications/Media, Environmental sciences/Ecology, History, Social commentary, Sociology, Women's studies and issues, Young adult non-fiction, Biography, Reference. Career: Public relations; advertising; speech writing; editing; creative writing instructor; author. Publications: Girl Pilot, 1967; Money Isn't Everything, 1967; Meet Your Mayor, 1967; Meet Your Governor, 1968; Beth Donnis, 1968; Careers in Social Service, 1969; Where the People Are, 1969; The Germans Helped Build America, 1971; (with E. Wolk) Core English, 1972; (co) Young American Basic Reading series: Grades 1-3, 1972; A Family Is for Living, 1972; A Proud Heritage on Parade, 1972; (with L. Senesh) Our Working World, 1973; Body Talk, 1974; Be a Smart Shopper, 1974; (with B. Barnes) The River Flows Backward, 1975; Look Mom! No Words, 1977; Care and Share, 1977; (with M. and M. Gay) Get Hooked on Vegetables, 1978; English for a Changing World, 1979; (with B. Barnes) Your Fight Has Just Begun, 1980; (with B. Barnes) Beginner's Guide to Better Boxing, 1980; (with Martin Gay) Eating What Grows Naturally, 1980; (co) I Like English, 1981; Boxes and More Boxes, 1981; (co) Family Living, 1982; Junkyards, 1982; Acid Rain, 1983; Cities under Stress, 1985; Will the U.S. Be Ready for the Year 2000?, 1986; Ergonomics, 1986; The Greenhouse Effect, 1986; The Rainbow Effect, 1987; Changing Families, 1988; Science in Ancient Greece, 1988; Silent Killers, 1988; Bigotry, 1989; Ozone, 1989; Adoption and Foster Care, 1990; They Don't Wash Their Socks!, 1990; Water Pollution, 1990; Cleaning Nature Naturally, 1991; Garbage and Recycling, 1991; Air Pollution, 1991; (co) Indiana, 1991; Church and State, 1992; Day Care, 1992; Global Garbage, 1992; Caution: This May Be an Advertisement, 1992; Caretakers of the Earth, 1993; Breast Implants, 1993; The Right to Die, 1993; Pregnancy: Public and Private Dilemmas, 1993; Rainforests of the World, 1993; Getting Your Message Across, 1994; The New Power of Women in Politics, 1994; Pollution & the Powerless, 1994; "I Am Who I Am," 1995; Keep the Buttered Side Up, 1995; Rights and Respect, 1995; (with M. Gay) Voices from the Past (9-book series), 1995-; (with M. Gay) Emma Goldman, 1996; (with D. Gay) Not-So-Minor Leagues, 1996; (with M. Gay) Encyclopedia of North American Eating & Drinking Traditions Customs & Rituals, 1996; (with M. Gay) A Dictionary of 20th Century Heroes of Conscience, 1996; (with M. Gay) The Information Superhighway, 1996; Saving the Environment, Debating the Costs, 1996; Militias, 1997; Neo-Nazis, 1997; Communes & Cults, 1997; (with M. Gay) After the Shooting Stops, 1998; Who's Running the Nation?, 1998; Child Labor, 1998; (with M. Gay) The Encyclopedia of Political Anarchy, 1999; Fleeing Cuba, 2000; Silent Death, 2001; Eating Disorders, 2002; Encyclopedia of Women's Health Issues, 2002; (with C. Whittington) Body Marks, 2002; Epilepsy: The Ultimate Teen Guide, 2002; Cultural Diversity: Conflicts and Challenges, 2003; Volunteering: The Ultimate Teen Guide, 2004. Address: 11633 Bayonet Ln, New Port Richey, FL 34654, U.S.A. Online address:

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