Gass, William (Howard)

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GASS, William (Howard)

GASS, William (Howard). American, b. 1924. Genres: Novels, Literary criticism and history, Novellas/Short stories. Career: David May Distinguished Professor in Humanities, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, 1979- (Professor of Philosophy, 1969-79). Director, International Writers Center, 1990-. Instructor in Philosophy, College of Wooster, Ohio, 1950-54; Assistant Professor, 1955-58, Associate Professor, 1960-65, and Professor of Philosophy, 1966-69; Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana; Visiting Lecturer in English and Philosophy, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1958-59. Publications: Omensetter's Luck, 1966; In the Heart of the Heart of the Country and Other Stories, 1968; Willie Masters' Lonesome Wife, 1968; Fiction and Figures of Life, 1971; On Being Blue, 1976; The World Within the Word, 1978; The First Winter of My Married Life, 1979; Habitations of the Word: Essays, 1985; The Tunnel, 1995; Finding A Form, 1996; Cartesian Sonata and Other Novellas, 1998; Reading Rilke, 1999; Tests of Time, 2002. EDITOR: The Writer in Politics, 1996; The Writer and Religion, 2000; Literary St. Louis, 2000. Address: 6304 Westminster, University City, MO 63130, U.S.A. Online address:

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