García-Castañón, Santiago
GARCÍA-CASTAÑÓN, Santiago. Spanish, b. 1959. Genres: Poetry, Novels. Career: Illinois Wesleyan University-Bloomington, assistant professor, 1989-92; University of Georgia-Athens, assistant professor, 1992-96; University of Ovieda, Ovieda, Spain, associate professor, 1996-98; Georgia College and State University-Milledgeville, associate professor of modern foreign languages, 1998-. Publications: Sangre, valor y fortuna (critical edition), 1990; Tiempos imperfectos (poetry), 1994; Entre las sombras (poetry), 1996; Por su rey y por su dama (critical edition), 1997; (trans. with others) Theories of Literary Realism, 1997; El castillo de los halcones (novel); The Art Collector (novel); Dictionary of Spanish Eponyms. Address: Department of Modern Foreign Languages, Georgia College and State University, Milledgeville, GA 31061, U.S.A. Online address: