Gall, Sandy
GALL, Sandy
GALL, Sandy. (Henderson Alexander Gall). British (born Malaysia), b. 1927. Genres: Travel/Exploration, Writing/Journalism, Documentaries/Reportage. Career: Foreign correspondent for Reuters News Agency, 1953-63; Independent Television News, London, England, television journalist, 1963-92. Rector of University of Aberdeen, 1978-81; Freelance writer, broadcaster, 1993-. CBE, 1988. Publications: Gold Scoop (novel), 1977; Chasing the Dragon (novel), 1981; Don't Worry about the Money Now, 1983; Behind Russian Lines: An Afghan Journal, 1983; Afghanistan: Agony of a Nation, 1988; Salang, 1989; George Adamson, Lord of the Lions, 1991; News from the Front: A Television Reporter's Life, 1994; The Bushmen of Southern Africa: Slaughter of the Innocent, 2001. Address: Doubleton Oast House, Penshurst, Tonbridge, Kent TN11 8JA, England. Online address: