Gaetz, Dayle Campbell

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GAETZ, Dayle Campbell

GAETZ, Dayle Campbell. Canadian, b. 1947. Genres: Children's fiction, Young adult fiction, Children's non-fiction. Career: British Columbia Tel-Communications, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, draftsperson; School District No. 64, Ganges, British Columbia, teacher on call; freelance writer and journalist, 1998-. Publications: FICTION. FOR CHILDREN: Grandfather Heron Finds a Friend, 1986; A Sea Lion Called Salena, 1994; The Mystery at Eagle Lake, 1995; Night of the Aliens, 1995; Alien Rescue, 1997; The Case of the Belly-up Fish, 1998; Mystery from History, 2001. FOR YOUNG ADULTS: Spoiled Rotten, 1991; Tell Me the Truth, 1992; Heather, Come Back, 1993; The Golden Rose, 1996; Living Freight, 1998. NONFICTION: The Whale Project, 1994; Discover Salt Springs: Funky Facts and Awesome Activities for Kids of All Ages, 2000. Address: 1150 North Beach Rd., Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada V8K 1B3. Online address:

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