Futcher, Jane P.

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FUTCHER, Jane P. American, b. 1947. Genres: Novels, Adult non-fiction, Gay and lesbian issues, Medicine/Health. Career: Writer. Philadelphia Public School System, substitute teacher in junior high classrooms, 1972-73; Harper & Row Media, NYC, staff project editor, producer, and writer, 1973-77; Guidance Associates, NYC, scriptwriter, 1977-80; World College West, Petaluma, CA, adjunct faculty member and writing tutor, 1990-92; Marin Independent Journal, reporter, 1994-. Publications: NOVELS: Crush, 1981; Promise Not to Tell, 1991; Dream Lover, 1997. NONFICTION: (with R. Conover) Marin: The Place, the People, 1981. Author of educational filmstrips and teaching guides. Contributor to articles to periodicals. Address: 235 Shelvin Rd, Novato, CA 94947, U.S.A. Online address: jfutcher@aol.com