Frist, William H.

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FRIST, William H.

FRIST, William H. American, b. 1952. Genres: Medicine/Health, Politics/Government. Career: Licensed to practice medicine in Tennessee and Washington DC; Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, resident in surgery, 1978-83, research fellow in surgery, 1983, chief resident in cardiothoracic surgery, 1984; Southampton General Hospital, England, senior registrar in cardiothoracic surgery, 1983; Stanford University, Stanford, CA, senior fellow and chief resident in cardiovascular surgery at Cardiac Transplant Service, 1985-86; Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, assistant professor of cardiac and thoracic surgery, 1986-93, director of heart and heart-lung transplantation and surgical director of Vanderbilt Multi-Organ Transplant Center and chair of the center's executive committee, 1989-93; Nashville Veterans Administration Hospital, Nashville TN, staff surgeon, 1986-93. U.S. Senator, Tennessee, 1995-, member of Budget; Commerce, Science and Transportation; Foreign Relations; Health, Education, Labor and Pensions; and other committees. Congressional Heart and Stroke Coalition, founder and co-chairman; Senate Republican Medicare Working Group, chair, 1995-96; Alliance for Health Reform, vice chair, 1997-; National Bipartisan Commission for the Future of Medicare, member, 1998-99. Publications: Transplant: A Heart Surgeon's Account of the Life-and-Death Dramas of the New Medicine, 1989; Grand Rounds in Transplantation, 1995; Tennessee Senators, 1911-2001: Portraits of Leadership in a Century of Change, 1999. Address: U.S. Senate, 416 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4205, U.S.A. Online address:;

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